[Next] [Previous] [Up] [Top] [Contents] [Back] 3.2 Group Description 3.2.3 Interrupt CapabilityEach group on the BI-0433 can generate an interrupt request, independent of the other groups. Possible sources for interrupts are the digital Input signal, the index signal, the 32 bit counter carry and borrow signals and the fault detection circuit signals.A Compare State Register is implemented on the BI-0433 to detect events on the digital Input signal and the index signal. The next figure shows how this circuit is functionally implemented.
Figure 3-4 Compare State Circuit Several registers are implemented on the BI-0433 for generating and controlling of the interrupt capability. Each channel has the following interrupt control/status registers:
Further detailed programming considerations are given in chapter 5.
BI-0433 - 12 Channel Incremental Encoder Interface with Isolated Inputs and Cable Fault Detection - 23 MAY 1997 Copyright © 1997 Brand Innovators B.V. [Next] [Previous] [Up] [Top] [Contents] [Back]