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5.2.1 Channel Registers Interrupt Mask Register

This register is used to specify which events should result in an interrupt asserted to the VMEbus.

Interrupt Mask Register
Channel Offset

When this bit is set, and the corresponding F_Ua2 bit in the Direct Input Register is set, an interrupt request to the Bus Interrupter Module (BIM) will be active.

When this bit is set, and the corresponding F_Ua1 bit in the Direct Input Register is set, an interrupt request to the Bus Interrupter Module (BIM) will be active.

When this bit is set, and the corresponding F_DI bit in the Direct Input Register is set, an interrupt request to the Bus Interrupter Module (BIM) will be active.

When this bit is set, and the corresponding F_IND bit in the Direct Input Register is set, an interrupt request to the Bus Interrupter Module (BIM) will be active.

When this bit is set, and the corresponding CAR bit in the Index Status Register is set, then an interrupt request to the Bus Interrupter Module (BIM) will be active.

When this bit is set, and the corresponding MOR bit in the Index Status Register is set, then an interrupt request to the Bus Interrupter Module (BIM) will be active.

When this bit is set, a difference between the DI bit and the CDI bit will cause an interrupt request to the Bus Interrupter Module (BIM).

When this bit is set, a difference between the IND bit and the CIND bit will cause an interrupt request to the Bus Interrupter Module (BIM).

After a SYSRESET these bits are cleared.

BI-0433 - 12 Channel Incremental Encoder Interface with Isolated Inputs and Cable Fault Detection - 23 MAY 1997 Copyright © 1997 Brand Innovators B.V. [Next] [Previous] [Up] [Top] [Contents] [Back]