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BI-0316 - Mass Storage Module

Appendix C List of Components

List of Components
Unit NumberComponentDescription
C1-C3P222203036101Capacitor 100 mF 25 V axial
CR1, CR31806.7032PCB Board Mounting LED, Yellow
CR2, CR41806.8032PCB Board Mounting LED, Green
P1-P20-0164354-1IEC 603-2 Type C Male Connector BTB-(Solder)Version Quality Level 1. No. of Positions: 96
P30-0749076-7AMPLIMITE Subminiature Connector, Receptacle header, Right-Angle mount, No. of positions: 68, Without Rails and Latch Blocks, Series III, Without Boardlocks, With 2.84 Solder Tails
P5-P68-0174682-7AMPLIMITE Subminiature Connector, Receptacle header, Right-Angle mount, No. of positions: 68, With self retaining solder Posts
P7-P102-0826634-5MODU II Pin Header, 2x25 Positions, Right-Angle mount
P11-P120-0171826-4Connector EI-series, 4 Positions, Right-Angle mount
P140-0826632-5MODU II Pin Header, 2x5 Positions
P15-P160-0825457-6MODU II Pin Header, 2x6 Positions, Right-Angle mount
SW1-SW2DRD16Rotary DIP Switch, 16 Positions, Through Hole PCB mount
U1SN74LS240NOctal Buffers and Line Drivers with 3-State Outputs
U2SN74LS05NHex Inverters with Open-Collector Outputs

BI-0316 - Mass Storage Module - 6 DEC 1996 Copyright © 1996 Brand Innovators B.V. [Next] [Previous] [Top] [Contents] [Back]