Brand Innovators B.V.


MC68EN360/MC68040 based SBC with ETHERNET, RS-232, FIELDBUS and eight CANbus interfaces

The BI-0501 is an eight channel CAN to TCP/IP gateway. It functions as a multi-user gateway between any of its CAN channels and TCP/IP based hosts located on either a local- or wide area network. Users can reserve one or more CAN channels and send and receive CAN messages transparently to and from the BI-0501's CAN channels. The BI-0501 can also be used as a stand alone multi-channel CAN supervisor which enables local CAN applications to communicate through TCP/IP with other (e.g. management) applications in an organization. Control applications can be loaded and executed on the BI-0501 enabling it to operate as an autonomous system. The BI-0501 can use up to eight CAN interfaces which may be used to provide redundancy and simultaneous use of multiple CAN application protocols (e.g. CANopen, SDS and DeviceNet.)

The features of the BI-00501 module include:

Local Processor
  • 33 MHz MC68360 microprocessor
  • 33 MHz MC68040 microprocessor

Ethernet Compatible
  • 10Base-T full duplex operation or Thin Coax

CAN Compatible
  • Eight independent CAN interface channels using Philips SJA1000 CAN controllers ISO/DIS 11898 high speed physical interface with optical isolation

Local Memory
  • 2 MByte Flash Memory
  • 512 kByte SRAM with battery backup
  • 32 Mbyte DRAM
  • 512 bytes Serial E2PROM

I/O Ports
  • RS-232 asynchronous serial port
  • RS-485 FieldBus port

Miscellaneous Functions
  • Power monitor and watchdog
  • Digital thermometer
  • Alarm real time clock

For more information about the BI-0501, please contact

[Block diagram] [Photo] [Manual (HTML)] [Manual (PDF)]
Copyright © 1997 Brand Innovators B.V.
Last update Mon May 26 11:44:42 MET DST 1997
For comments and questions, please contact